A comprehensive service from site surveys and sketch ideas to detailed landscape designs. We can also deal with planning applications, prepare tenders for contracts and offer project supervision services and aftercare.
A comprehensive service from site surveys and sketch ideas to detailed landscape designs. We can also deal with planning applications, prepare tenders for contracts and offer project supervision services and aftercare.
Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment is used to assess the predicted effects a change may have on the landscape, such as a proposed development, and how people’s views may be affected by this change.
We specialise in the design of eco-friendly reed bed systems and ponds, swale drainage, flood alleviation, SuDS and other water sensitive projects to withstand a wide range of conditions across the UK.
Your garden is a very personal place, a place which evolves over time, and we can help this to become an outdoor, living extension to your home with a wealth of experience to help us design the perfect outdoor area for you.